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Research Article

Citizenship Pressure in Non-formal Education Organizations: Leaders' Idealized Influence and Organizational Identification

Ido Mell , Anit Somech

Educators in non-formal education organizations are often expected to display values of volunteering and giving to the community. These contributions,.


Educators in non-formal education organizations are often expected to display values of volunteering and giving to the community. These contributions, which are beyond the call of duty, are defined as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). When such behavior is performed as a result of pressure rather than out of free will, that pressure is defined as citizenship pressure (CP). Building on the job demands-resources theory, the study examined a moderator-mediator model at the team level construct, to explore whether team CP mediates the relationship between both idealized influence behavior and idealized influence attributed (transformational leadership dimensions) and team OCB, and whether that mediation is moderated by organizational identification. The study sample consisted of 75 teams of educators and their direct superiors, who work in 11 youth movements. Results show that the negative relationship between both idealized influence behavior and idealized influence attributed and team CP is moderated by organizational identification. Furthermore, results show a negative relationship between team CP and team OCB. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

Keywords: Citizenship pressure, idealized influence, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational identification, non-formal education.

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