Exploring the Emotional Geographies of Teacher-to-Teacher and Teacher-to-Principal Interactions: Toward Educational Management Policy Formulation
This study addresses the emergence of unwarranted conflicts and raptured ties within teacher-to-principal and teacher-to-teacher interactions. It high.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2023
- Pages: 233-245
- 0 Citations
This study addresses the emergence of unwarranted conflicts and raptured ties within teacher-to-principal and teacher-to-teacher interactions. It highlights the neglect of emotions in relationships, which has been a gap in this research. Unlike existing scholarly focus on cognitive and pragmatic aspects of relationships, this study explores emotional geographies. Its objective is to promote positive relationships between and among teachers and principals by examining emotionality in their political and professional geographies. Furthermore, it seeks to formulate a policy and develop a program that restores ruptured interactions. This research employed an exploratory sequential mixed method. The qualitative analysis involved thematic and reflexive analysis. Statistical methods, such as frequencies and percentages, weighted mean, and Pearson correlation coefficient, were employed for quantitative analysis. The findings identified both positive and negative behaviors in the political and professional geographies. The results of the interviews produced a four-quadrant chart. Positive behaviors were positioned in Quadrants I and IV, and negative behaviors in Quadrants II and III. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a moderate positive correlation in the interactions of teachers with the principal and interaction with colleagues in both political and professional geographies. This study concludes that addressing emotional geographies is crucial to repairing strained relationships between teachers and principals and among teachers. The formulation of educational management policies and programs is a vital step toward achieving this goal.
educational management policy emotional geographies teacher to teacher interactions teacher to principal interactions
Keywords: Educational management policy, emotional geographies, teacher-to-teacher interactions, teacher-to-principal interactions.
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