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Research Article

Flexible and Precariat Form of Employment Policies at Higher Education in Turkey

Aydın Balyer , Erkan Tabancali

The main objective of current study was to determine the opinions of adjunct faculty members regarding the flexible and precariat form of employment p.


The main objective of current study was to determine the opinions of adjunct faculty members regarding the flexible and precariat form of employment policies at universities in Turkey. The research was conducted qualitatively. The participants were 16 adjunct faculty members who were chosen with purposive sampling method. An interview technique was implemented in order to obtain data, and content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results revealed that this form of employment policy causes organizational, academic and personal problems. As for organizational problems, it causes to prioritize financial points of views rather than academic expectations. Regarding personal problems, adjunct faculty members are underpaid, overworked, ignored regarding their professional development. Also academic and scientific knowledge production are ignored. Students do dot respect adjunct faculty members. It is recommended that this kind of employment policy should be reconsidered and full-time employment should be preferred.

Keywords: Adjunct faculty, flexible employment, university, precariat, part-timers.

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