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Research Article

Head of School Engagement in Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Malta

Benjamin Kutsyuruba , Christopher Bezzina

Research has shown that school leaders’ engagement in teacher induction is vital for establishing supportive school structures and conditions th.


Research has shown that school leaders’ engagement in teacher induction is vital for establishing supportive school structures and conditions that are conducive to successful socialization and long-term sustenance of newly qualified teachers (NQTs). In Malta, the problem of teacher recruitment and a growing attrition rate is becoming very acute. This article describes findings from an exploratory qualitative study that examined the perceptions of five heads of schools regarding their engagement in the induction and mentoring programs that have been designed to support NQTs in Malta. The findings describe the ways through which the heads of school support NQTs and their advice for new heads of schools working with NQTs. The article offers a discussion of research results in relation to the extant literature and concludes with implications for practice and further research.

Keywords: Heads of school engagement, Malta, newly qualified teachers, teacher induction, mentoring.

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