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Research Article

Indirect Effect of Organizational Commitment on The Relationship Between Quality of Work Life and Job Performance Among Academics in Malaysia

Amauche Ehido , Zainudin Awang , Chukwuebuka Ibeabuchi , Bahyah Abdul Halim

Knowledge is increasingly a valuable asset that transfers among nations. This trend has led to challenges in producing the best graduates and competit.

  • Pub. date: December 15, 2024
  • Online Pub. date: November 28, 2024
  • Pages: 213-225
  • 0 Citations

Knowledge is increasingly a valuable asset that transfers among nations. This trend has led to challenges in producing the best graduates and competition among organizations to retain these talents. These global trends require skilled and highly productive employees. The Malaysian education sector is no exception to these changes, as academic functions are crucial in universities. The success of universities in accomplishing their goals depends on highly motivated and committed academics. Several past studies have identified the significance of quality of work life (QWL) in building a more committed and productive workforce in the education sector. However, studies on QWL and how organizational commitment (OC) reinforces its effect on job performance (JP) among academics in Malaysian research universities (RUs) are limited. Therefore, this inquiry explores the correlation between QWL, OC, and JP. A questionnaire was utilized for data collection from 387 academics, and the data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. The findings reveal that QWL has a significant influence on OC and JP. Additionally, OC significantly influences JP and partially mediates the relationship between QWL and JP. As a result, improved QWL of the academics is necessary for enhancing their OC and JP.

Keywords: Academics, job performance, mediation analysis, organizational commitment, quality of work life.

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