Leadership Expectations of Secondary School Students in the Context of School Principals
In the research, it was aimed to learn the leadership expectations of secondary school students in the context of school principals. In this context, .
- Pub. date: June 15, 2022
- Pages: 23-33
- 0 Citations
In the research, it was aimed to learn the leadership expectations of secondary school students in the context of school principals. In this context, focus group interviews were conducted with sixteen students studying at different grade levels in the research conducted with a phenomenological design, and the data obtained were subjected to content analysis. When the findings were examined, it was seen that the leadership expectations of the students from the school principals were shaped in four sub-themes (behavior, values, skills and abilities, and characteristics). According to the results obtained, students from school principals about leadership; In the behavior sub-theme, they expect the most discipline and valuing ideas, they expect the most fairness, tolerance and understanding in the values sub-theme, they expect the most professional expertise in the skills and abilities sub-theme, and they expect the most compassion and sincerity in the characteristics sub-theme. The results show that the expectations of the students, which are the basic elements of the education process, should be taken into account by the school leaders.
Keywords: Leadership, leader behaviors, school leadership, school principals, student expectations.
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