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Research Article

Relationship between Happy School, General Self Efficacy, Academic Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction

İzzet Döş

In this study, the relationship between the happy school variable, which determines the happiness levels of secondary school students in their schools.


In this study, the relationship between the happy school variable, which determines the happiness levels of secondary school students in their schools, and academic self-efficacy, general self-efficacy and life satisfaction were examined. The relationship between variables was examined in this correlation study. The population of the study consisted of high school students studying in Anatolian high school in the city center of Kahramanmaras (Turkey). 315 students selected from these schools constituted the study sample. Data were collected with life satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, general self-efficacy, and happy school scales. Regression and path analyses were conducted for the data analysis. Study results suggest that each variable has a positive significant relationship with the other variables and that general self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and life satisfaction predicted happy schools. In the study, a linear model was created considering that a happy school is affected by general self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and life satisfaction. High fit indices were obtained with the model. These indices suggest that the model is an acceptable model which is fit.

Keywords: Academic self-efficacy, general self-efficacy, happy school, life satisfaction, school and happiness.

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