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'Employed women' Search Results

Job Autonomy, Workload and Home-work Conflict as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Employed Women in Academia

employed women home-work conflict job autonomy job satisfaction workload

Ngozi Caroline Uwannah , Clara Ogbogo Kalu Egwuonwu , Nma Clarion James


Women’s work has been acknowledged as an important tool towards effective leadership and economic development in Nigeria and Africa in general. It is important therefore, to accept their presence and encourage the active role they play in the labour force which at the long run impacts the economy positively knowing full well that they make up noticeable portion of the world’s population. This study evaluated the contribution of job autonomy, workload and home-work conflict to the job satisfaction of employed women in universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was used to draw 200 women through multi-stage sampling technique. Standardized questionnaires were used to obtain responses from respondents. Four hypotheses postulated were analyzed using correlation matrices and multiple regression analysis and the level of significance was at 0.05 level. Findings show that job autonomy, workload, and home-work conflict jointly contributed to job satisfaction with 10.1% variance (Adj. R2 = .101) while workload predicted female employees job satisfaction the most. It was concluded that university management should introduce flexibility in work schedules and restructure job descriptions to allow female employees have more autonomy so as to reduce the effect of home-work conflict and pressure associated with workload.

description Abstract
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Pages: 35-48
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