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Research Article

The Effect of the Principals’ Perfectionism on Organizational Stress

Omer Baytak , Mehmet Altun

This study aims to reveal the effect of the principals’ perfectionism on organizational stress of teachers according to the perceptions of the t.


This study aims to reveal the effect of the principals’ perfectionism on organizational stress of teachers according to the perceptions of the teachers who are working in primary and secondary schools and the level of organizational stress of teachers. The sample of the study consisted of 369 teachers by choosing with the method of simple random sampling. Data was collected by a “positive-negative perfectionism scale” and “perception of stress scale”. Data analysis was analyzed by using IBM SPSS 21.0 program by using hierarchical multiple linear regression method. At the end of this study, it was seen that principals’ negative and positive perfectionist behaviours predict teachers’ organizational stress in a meaningful way. It was understood that positive and negative perfectionist behaviours increased the factors of organizational stress, and it was also seen that principals’ negative perfectionist behaviours increased the stress in organizational structure. As a suggestion, principals need to exhibit their perfectionist behaviours in a correct and positive manner. This situation enables teachers to increase their dependence to their jobs. It is also recommended that principals should investigate the effects of perfectionism on their management abilities, competitive attitudes and leadership qualities.

Keywords: Perfectionism, organizational stress, principal, teacher

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