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Research Article

The Impact of Leadership on School Organizations: Network Analysis Approach to Systematic Review of Literature on Teaching and Learning International Survey

Joonkil Ahn , Yinying Wang

The purpose of this study is to review the literature on the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) for the past 10 years to identify mult.


The purpose of this study is to review the literature on the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) for the past 10 years to identify multiple paths through which school leadership exerted influences on school organizations and organizational outcomes. Our analysis of a network, consisting of 83 nodes (variables) and 242 variable ties from 29 reviewed studies identified four emergent themes. Reviewed studies (1) overwhelmingly framed the principal as the driver and teachers as the target of change; (2) suggested nine core variables (e.g., instructional leadership) to play central roles within the reviewed studies; (3) depicted student academic achievement as a function of the principal’s instructional leadership and their job satisfaction influenced by school context, principal qualification, and organizational conditions (e.g., respect for others); and (4) suggested teacher self-efficacy as the potential bridging variable between multiple change processes. The discussion includes implications for school leadership and future research.

Keywords: Literature review, network analysis, Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS).

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