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Research Article

Academic Chairs’ Leaderships Styles and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions in UAE

Elsayed Mahmoud , Shashidhar Belbase , Negmeldin Alsheikh

This study aims to identify the dominant leadership styles of chairs from the perspective of faculty members in different college departments in highe.


This study aims to identify the dominant leadership styles of chairs from the perspective of faculty members in different college departments in higher education in the UAE. Furthermore, the study aims to identify the teachers' perceptions of leadership styles that affect their job satisfaction. The study used quantitative means with faculty members in different higher educational settings in the UAE. The survey used a five-point Likert scale. The leadership styles have values (completely agree =5, agree = 4, neutral =3, disagree=2, completely disagree=1). The job satisfaction questions have values (completely satisfied =5, satisfied = 4, fairly satisfied =3, dissatisfied =2, completely dissatisfied=1). The chosen subjects were faculty members from different colleges. Those subjects are 135 university teachers who are divided into four age groups. The data revealed no dominant leadership styles in the colleagues from faculty members' perspectives; however, the statistics lean towards the laissez-faire leadership style. It also reveals correlations between the three leadership styles and job satisfaction. The democratic leadership style has the greatest impact and most significant environment and incentives among the three independent variables.

Keywords: Chairs’ leadership, job satisfaction, leadership styles, faculty members’ perceptions.

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