An Evaluation of Current Leadership Practices in Secondary Schools in Madrid
This study aims to evaluate the leadership practices of a sample of secondary school principals in the Madrid region. An attempt will be made to provi.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2022
- Pages: 97-113
- 0 Citations
This study aims to evaluate the leadership practices of a sample of secondary school principals in the Madrid region. An attempt will be made to provide some insights into their professional profile, their performance of leadership tasks, and the different elements that define their leadership model. An online questionnaire was used to collect their opinions on the day-to-day performance of their leadership role, as well as on the factors that influence their leadership style. From a methodological point of view, a quantitative approach is used within an interpretative framework, given that the emphasis is not on the generalisation of results but on understanding how school principals operate in their particular context. Results revealed that instructional leadership in Spain is still seen as a challenging goal for principals. This is closely in line with the bureaucratic nature of the headship role in Spanish schools.
Keywords: Instructional leadership, leadership practice, school leadership in Spain, school principal.
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