Quality of Administrative Services in Higher Education
This study investigates the quality of higher education institutes’ (HEIs’) administrative services by assessing student satisfaction in t.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2022
- Pages: 115-128
- 0 Citations
This study investigates the quality of higher education institutes’ (HEIs’) administrative services by assessing student satisfaction in the context of Total Quality Management (TQM). Differences between students’ perceptions and expectations of administrative service quality are examined and discussed. A questionnaire survey was developed employing the SERVQUAL service quality model, the results of which were further enhanced by the application of importance-performance analysis (IPA). All five dimensions of the model were explored (reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness) with data from the 104 students from five Greek HEIs who participated in the survey. The results of the IPA complemented the survey research by enabling recommendations for importance and performance. The study’s findings indicate that students’ expectations are not met by the administrative services provided at the time of examination. A gap is observed between perceptions and expectations on all dimensions, indicating the necessity to make improvements to enhance service quality.
administrative services higher education importance performance service quality servqual tqm
Keywords: Administrative services, higher education, importance-performance, service quality, SERVQUAL, TQM.
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