Analysis of the Contributing Factors to Teachers’ Job Dissatisfaction in Lesotho Secondary Schools and the Mitigating Strategies
Teachers are expected to influence the development of certain attributes, including courtesy, discipline, accountability, and diligence among learners.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: November 27, 2024
- Pages: 185-198
- 0 Citations
Teachers are expected to influence the development of certain attributes, including courtesy, discipline, accountability, and diligence among learners. These attributes echo the basic premise of the child-friendly school framework (CFS) and the ideology of sustainable learning environments. In order for teachers to contribute towards efficacy in schools and in instructional activities, studies indicate that they should be satisfied. However, it has been revealed that in some Lesotho secondary schools, teachers are not happy with their jobs. The reported teachers’ discontent adversely affects their commitment and enthusiasm. In order to reveal the causes of teacher job dissatisfaction in some Lesotho secondary schools, this study adopted a narrative qualitative approach design. This approach was ideal as it enabled 10 purposively identified teachers in Leribe and Maseru to freely narrate their lived experiences. The Herzberg duality theory (HDT) and the Transformational leadership theory (TLT) were adopted as the philosophical underpinning for this study. The inductive thematic analysis approach was used to analyse the data generated for this study. The findings suggest that teacher job dissatisfaction in some Lesotho secondary schools is caused by factors such as the use of resources for personal gain, lack of maintenance, intolerance, and habitual absenteeism among principals. The findings further suggest that strategies including teacher involvement, impartiality, and external school auditing could reduce teacher job dissatisfaction and instead create the opposite effect.
herzberg duality theory secondary schools teacher job satisfaction teacher job dissatisfaction transformational leadership theory
Keywords: Herzberg duality theory, secondary schools, teacher job satisfaction, teacher job dissatisfaction, transformational leadership theory.
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