The Well-being of Art Teachers for Promoting the Sustainable Development of Art Education in Latvia
Due to the fact that it is vitally important for the people of Latvia to preserve and develop their national identity in today’s globalized worl.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: November 27, 2024
- Pages: 199-211
- 0 Citations
Due to the fact that it is vitally important for the people of Latvia to preserve and develop their national identity in today’s globalized world, it is especially important to maintain a high level of art education quality and promote the well-being of art teachers more holistically. In the era of growing globalization and multiculturalism, supporting Latvia’s unique cultural values is vital. The aim of the study was to explore the well-being of music, ballet, dance, and visual art teachers in the context of the sustainable development of art education in Latvia. In the interdisciplinary study, 72 music, ballet, dance, and visual art teachers were involved. According to the well-being criteria (positive relationships with others, self-acceptance, autonomy, the meaning of life, skills to fulfill life’s needs, and life goals), the research results were differentiated by demographic indicators. Considering the influence of school principals on the well-being of art teachers, the study identifies school management activities that can contribute to well-being in the workplace.
Keywords: Art education, art teachers, globalization, sustainable development, well-being.
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