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Research Article

’It’s a Them and Us Thing’: Understanding Turnover Antecedents in Elite School Middle Management in England

Matthew Round

Turnover in middle management can be very expensive for a school, not just financially, but also in terms of providing continuity of leadership, susta.

  • Pub. date: September 15, 2024
  • Online Pub. date: September 11, 2024
  • Pages: 173-183
  • 0 Citations

Turnover in middle management can be very expensive for a school, not just financially, but also in terms of providing continuity of leadership, sustainability of management practices, and quality student experiences. Therefore, a rigorous understanding of why middle managers in schools are thinking of leaving post can provide senior leaders an opportunity to develop strategies to reduce this turnover cost. Using the case of Lady Agatha’s Boarding School in England, this paper uses a novel approach to investigate the complexities of school middle management from a social perspective, arguing that by using a Bordieuan lens, researchers can investigate the complex matrix nature of working in middle management. By using the Bordieuan tools of field, habitus, doxa, capital, and symbolic violence, researchers can observe the struggles that the middle managers engage in to acquire capital or resources compared to other actors in the field, as tournaments of socio-political dominance. By using this original ontological turn in analysing turnover antecedents, researchers as well as practitioners could make significant impacts in the way turnover can be understood and its costs mitigated.

Keywords: Educational management, elite school, Bourdieu, middle management.

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