School-Based Management Perspectives: Exploring Top-down Policy Execution at the Grassroots Level
Miguel D. Jr. Dones , Michael L. Estremera , Ma. Jean D. Deuda
The highlighted local and international perspectives of school-based management (SBM) offer logical findings on its efficacy at the grassroots level. .
- Pub. date: June 15, 2023
- Pages: 101-118
- 0 Citations
The highlighted local and international perspectives of school-based management (SBM) offer logical findings on its efficacy at the grassroots level. Despite some hindering factors, its impact along leadership and governance, curriculum and learning, accountability and continuous improvement, and resource management are commendable. After methodical scrutiny of data, this paper concludes that the improvements in schools triggered by SBM are responsiveness to the needs and challenges of schools; contextualization of curriculum; improvement of physical facilities and linkages; and stakeholders’ awareness and involvement to school’s programs, projects and activities (PPAs). Principals likewise implemented SBM in their respective schools by holding SBM planning with its stakeholders. In fact, the different programs and projects implemented in schools include SBM crafting and planning; implementation, monitoring, and documentation of student learning activities; and clean-up drive and transparency board installation. Researchers, therefore, recommend that responsiveness of SBM to the needs and challenges of schools; contextualization of curriculum; improvement of physical facilities and linkages; and stakeholders’ awareness and involvement to school PPA be extensively maximized. Eventually, sound partnerships between schools and external stakeholders be cultivated.
accountability curriculum leadership and governance empirical analysis school based management sbm
Keywords: Accountability, curriculum, leadership and governance, empirical analysis, school-based management (SBM).
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