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Research Article

The Ideological Perspective of School Principals' Perceptions-Educational Leaders Defining their Roles

Keren Dery , Roni Reingold

This research describes the perceptions of school principals in the context of their role in leading the professional development of the teaching staf.


This research describes the perceptions of school principals in the context of their role in leading the professional development of the teaching staff. Their perceptions were examined in reference to three educational ideologies: socialization, acculturation and individuation. Data analysis of semi structured interviews conducted with 20 school principals, revealed a contradiction between the educational ideology that emerged in the context of the overall educational practice and the ideology referred to in the context of their role in teachers professional development. In the context of the educational practice, the majority of principals described an individuation ideology. In the context the principals' role regarding the professional development of the teaching staff, the majority of school principals presented the socialization ideology as their guiding ethos. In addition, the minority of principals demonstrated a combination of these two ideologies. None of the principals presented the acculturation ideology.

Keywords: School principals, educational ideology, educational leadership, qualitative research.

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