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Research Article

The Mediating Effect of Work-Life Balance in the Relationship Between Job Stress and Career Satisfaction

Fatma Çobanoğlu , Özen Yıldırım , Sevda Seven Şarkaya , Gülsüm Sertel

This study is aimed to find out the mediating role of work-life balance in the relationship between job stress and career satisfaction. The responses .


This study is aimed to find out the mediating role of work-life balance in the relationship between job stress and career satisfaction. The responses of high school teachers to career satisfaction, work life balance and work stress scales were utilized in the study. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26, Lisrel 8.80 and Jamovi 2.3. According to the results, one of the important determinants of teachers' career satisfaction is the work-life balance; there is a negative relationship between job stress and career satisfaction, and as the job stress increases, the work-life balance decreases. Finally, in the model, it was found that teachers’ job stress has a direct effect on career satisfaction, but also has an indirect effect through work-life balance. Based on all these results, educational organizations need to reorganize the work environment and conditions that will provide career satisfaction and work-life balance to their employees. However, while making these arrangements, it is of great importance to eliminate or even remove the factors that create job stress.

Keywords: Career satisfaction, job stress, teacher, work-life balance.

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