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Research Article

Organizational Trust Perception and Innovative Behaviours of Teachers

Selcuk Demir

In this research, it has been aimed to determine the relationship between teachers’ perception of organizational trust and innovative behaviours.


In this research, it has been aimed to determine the relationship between teachers’ perception of organizational trust and innovative behaviours. The relational survey model was used in this study. The universe of the research has been constituted teachers in Şırnak province. The sample of the study has been formed of 151 teachers working in 35 schools, which were detachedly determined from the study universe. The data of the research have been gathered by “Individual Knowledge Form”, “Organizational Trust Scale” and “Innovative Behaviour Scale”. Descriptive analyses, correlation, reliability analysis and regression analyses have been performed to the data by the help of SPSS programme. Results of the regression analyses showed that participant teachers’ perception of organizational trust significantly predicts their innovative behaviour. While trust in administrator and trust in shareholders dimensions of organizational trust predict innovative behaviour of teachers, on the other hand, trust in colleagues dimension doesn’t predict teachers’ innovative behaviours significantly. For school administrators who would like to encourage teachers to exhibit innovative behaviours, it would be beneficial to keep the perception of organizational trust at school at high levels

Keywords: Organizational trust, innovative behaviour, administrator, teacher.

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