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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA

Volume 1 Issue 1 (December 2018)


This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological contract, psychological well-being and the intention to leave. The sample of this study consists of 118 teachers in 10 schools that were selected randomly with clustered sampling methods from the schools in Osmaniye province in the 2015-2016 academic year. Data were analyzed using a hierarchical multiple linear regression method with SPSS 22; a modgraph was used to moderate tests. The results of the moderator tests showed that psychological well-being was a moderator of the relationship between the short-term relations component of the psychological contract and teachers’ intention to leave levels. This study also indicated that transactional psychological contracts (short-term relations) had a negative effect on teachers’ intention to leave levels, and psychological well-being had a positive effect on teachers’ intention to leave levels. In the light of the findings, to create more positive educational environments, it would be beneficial for policy makers and top managers to take psychological constructs into consideration at all stages of management. However, future researchers should focus on the different dimensions of psychological contracts and psychological well-being that may also be related to the intention of teachers to leave.

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Pages: 1-8
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational commitment and the moderating role of gender. 112 teachers, working in Gaziantep, in the 2015-2016 academic year, were assessed using the workplace spirituality scale improved by Ashmos and Duchon and translated into Turkish by researchers and also the organizational commitment scale by Meyer and Allen, adapted to Turkish by Wasti. At the end of the research, it was found that there was a moderating role of gender in relation to workplace spirituality with organizational commitment. While the spirituality of the in workplace increases, organizational commitment increases, and male teachers’ organizational commitment was more than female teachers’

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Pages: 9-16
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Workplace bullying is unwanted and unwarranted and has negative consequences for the victim, his colleagues and the whole organization. With the present study, we aim to clarify the interactive effects of workplace bullying from the victims’ perception and organizational culture on the teachers ‘Machiavellianism which is a personality syndrome aiming the realization of one’s own profits with every possible means. The sample consisted of 103 teachers working in different schools in Gaziantep, Turkey. Data was analyzed by the hierarchical multiple linear regression method at SPSS 22 and ModGraph-I was used at moderating tests. The results showed that being bullied was not a significant predictor of Machiavellianism. However, organizational culture significantly and positively predicted Machiavellianism, and the main effect of being bullied on Machiavellianism was qualified by the interaction: “higher Machiavellianism was associated with higher workplace bullying under conditions of higher organizational culture.” Organizational culture operated as an exacerbation under conditions of workplace bullying.

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Pages: 17-25
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The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of stress in the relationship between perceived procedural justice and the work-home conflict of teachers. For this purpose, the data collection tools were collected from the study group consisting of 129 teachers that were selected randomly with a clustered sampling method from the schools in Gaziantep and Erzincan in 2015-2016 academic year. The data was analyzed by hierarchical multiple linear regression method in SPSS 22 and ModGraph-I was used for moderating tests. The findings of the research indicate that procedural justice behavior of school managers predict work-home conflict of participants negatively and significantly, and also the stress level of employees has a moderating role in the relationship between perceived procedural justice and work-home conflict. When an employee has a high level of stress, an increase in the level of procedural justice provides a significant decrease in work-home conflict. Being aware of that, from top to bottom all the policymakers including school managers must incorporate teachers into the decision-making process, must care about their demands which eventually would also affect their home life, and also must be transparent in all practices in order to increase procedural justice.

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Pages: 27-34
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visibility 800
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This study aims to reveal the effect of the principals’ perfectionism on organizational stress of teachers according to the perceptions of the teachers who are working in primary and secondary schools and the level of organizational stress of teachers. The sample of the study consisted of 369 teachers by choosing with the method of simple random sampling. Data was collected by a “positive-negative perfectionism scale” and “perception of stress scale”. Data analysis was analyzed by using IBM SPSS 21.0 program by using hierarchical multiple linear regression method. At the end of this study, it was seen that principals’ negative and positive perfectionist behaviours predict teachers’ organizational stress in a meaningful way. It was understood that positive and negative perfectionist behaviours increased the factors of organizational stress, and it was also seen that principals’ negative perfectionist behaviours increased the stress in organizational structure. As a suggestion, principals need to exhibit their perfectionist behaviours in a correct and positive manner. This situation enables teachers to increase their dependence to their jobs. It is also recommended that principals should investigate the effects of perfectionism on their management abilities, competitive attitudes and leadership qualities.

description Abstract
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Pages: 35-43
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visibility 807
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