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Research Article

The Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Organizational Commitment at Schools: The Moderating Effect of Gender

Turgut Korkmaz , Sahin Menge

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational commitment and the moderating role of gender. 112 t.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational commitment and the moderating role of gender. 112 teachers, working in Gaziantep, in the 2015-2016 academic year, were assessed using the workplace spirituality scale improved by Ashmos and Duchon and translated into Turkish by researchers and also the organizational commitment scale by Meyer and Allen, adapted to Turkish by Wasti. At the end of the research, it was found that there was a moderating role of gender in relation to workplace spirituality with organizational commitment. While the spirituality of the in workplace increases, organizational commitment increases, and male teachers’ organizational commitment was more than female teachers’

Keywords: Workplace, spirituality organizational commitment, gender, the moderator effect.

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