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Research Article

The Reception of newly appointed Teachers: The Contribution of the Principal and the Teachers’ Association

Foteini Kyrou , Nikolaos Alexopoulos , Nikolaos Raptis

According to many studies teachers’ reception has been associated with the smooth operation of the school, the professional development of the t.


According to many studies teachers’ reception has been associated with the smooth operation of the school, the professional development of the teaching staff and the provision of optimal teaching work. Despite its significance and its attention from scholars, though, its implementation at schools has been facing challenges and hardships. The present study focuses on the role played by principals and teachers’ associations upon the reception and acclimatization of all newly appointed teachers in their schools. The findings indicate that the favorable disposition and actions of both principals and the teachers’ association in terms of receiving/acclimatizing any newly appointed teachers should be further enhanced.

Keywords: School climate, teacher induction, teacher reception, teacher effectiveness, teacher socialization.

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