New Public Management and the Centralization of Educational Assessment Policy in Brazil: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Educational Field
Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula , Maria Beatriz do Nascimento Rodrigues , Thiago Tavares Soares
This text aims to analyze the conditionalities of the New Public Management for the educational assessment policy in Brazil and the deepening of educa.
- Pub. date: June 15, 2022
- Pages: 15-22
- 0 Citations
This text aims to analyze the conditionalities of the New Public Management for the educational assessment policy in Brazil and the deepening of educational inequality with the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Certainly, within the trajectory of educational policies, Brazil has a clear relationship with the conservative way in which the State and society were shaped. In the current scenario of the New Public Management, the new educational policy dictates an economic logic in the pedagogical factor, which uses business management methods for results, transforming it as a solution to measure the quality of teaching, for which it uses evaluation mechanisms. Aspects linked to the New Public Management such as efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness permeate the rationality of educational policy and, consequently, of the evaluative logic. Indeed, the centrality of the assessment conditioned the logic of curriculum standardization. These curriculum guidance indicators denote training based on skills and abilities that contribute to training that meets market demands.
Keywords: COVID-19, educational assessment, new public management.
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