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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA

'machiavellianism' Search Results


Workplace bullying is unwanted and unwarranted and has negative consequences for the victim, his colleagues and the whole organization. With the present study, we aim to clarify the interactive effects of workplace bullying from the victims’ perception and organizational culture on the teachers ‘Machiavellianism which is a personality syndrome aiming the realization of one’s own profits with every possible means. The sample consisted of 103 teachers working in different schools in Gaziantep, Turkey. Data was analyzed by the hierarchical multiple linear regression method at SPSS 22 and ModGraph-I was used at moderating tests. The results showed that being bullied was not a significant predictor of Machiavellianism. However, organizational culture significantly and positively predicted Machiavellianism, and the main effect of being bullied on Machiavellianism was qualified by the interaction: “higher Machiavellianism was associated with higher workplace bullying under conditions of higher organizational culture.” Organizational culture operated as an exacerbation under conditions of workplace bullying.

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Pages: 17-25
cloud_download 464
visibility 886
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Despite the fact that crisis management is essential for school’s smooth operation and crises occur at schools and education institutions around the world, Greek school is characterized by limited readiness to manage its potential crises. This study investigates the attitudes and perceptions of teachers concerning crisis events in school units bearing in mind that such events occur in a unique context in every school and every situation. The study’s findings are based on data collected through an empirical, qualitative research. The results show that that school premises in Greece are not considered safe sites not only due to students’ aggressive behaviour but also to the feebly support provided by the Ministry of Education and the Local Authorities as well as teachers’ feelings of inadequacy and inappropriateness. Since the problem of school safety is proved to be multifaceted, it requires collectivity and a dedication to strong collaboration in order to be solved.

description Abstract
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Pages: 73-84
cloud_download 2114
visibility 1968
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