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'perceptions' Search Results


This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological contract, psychological well-being and the intention to leave. The sample of this study consists of 118 teachers in 10 schools that were selected randomly with clustered sampling methods from the schools in Osmaniye province in the 2015-2016 academic year. Data were analyzed using a hierarchical multiple linear regression method with SPSS 22; a modgraph was used to moderate tests. The results of the moderator tests showed that psychological well-being was a moderator of the relationship between the short-term relations component of the psychological contract and teachers’ intention to leave levels. This study also indicated that transactional psychological contracts (short-term relations) had a negative effect on teachers’ intention to leave levels, and psychological well-being had a positive effect on teachers’ intention to leave levels. In the light of the findings, to create more positive educational environments, it would be beneficial for policy makers and top managers to take psychological constructs into consideration at all stages of management. However, future researchers should focus on the different dimensions of psychological contracts and psychological well-being that may also be related to the intention of teachers to leave.

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Pages: 1-8
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This study aims to reveal the effect of the principals’ perfectionism on organizational stress of teachers according to the perceptions of the teachers who are working in primary and secondary schools and the level of organizational stress of teachers. The sample of the study consisted of 369 teachers by choosing with the method of simple random sampling. Data was collected by a “positive-negative perfectionism scale” and “perception of stress scale”. Data analysis was analyzed by using IBM SPSS 21.0 program by using hierarchical multiple linear regression method. At the end of this study, it was seen that principals’ negative and positive perfectionist behaviours predict teachers’ organizational stress in a meaningful way. It was understood that positive and negative perfectionist behaviours increased the factors of organizational stress, and it was also seen that principals’ negative perfectionist behaviours increased the stress in organizational structure. As a suggestion, principals need to exhibit their perfectionist behaviours in a correct and positive manner. This situation enables teachers to increase their dependence to their jobs. It is also recommended that principals should investigate the effects of perfectionism on their management abilities, competitive attitudes and leadership qualities.

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Pages: 35-43
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This qualitative study examined what female principals in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two historically male-dominated cultures who are actively implementing reforms to provide women with more leadership opportunities, reported as typical elements of their daily work. The study also examined the challenges that these female principals reported in their efforts to improve the learning environment in their schools and what advice they would give to women entering the field of school leadership. The themes that emerged from the data were used to construct a grounded theory of the daily responsibilities of Saudi and Qatari female principals, the challenges that faced in fulfilling those responsibilities, and how they advised women entering principal positions to prepare to respond to those challenges.

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Pages: 13-33
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Freedom to Choose within Limits: Teacher Autonomy from the Perspectives of Basic School Teachers in Ghana

autonomy curriculum teaching experience

Dandy George Dampson , Stephen Kwakye Apau , Uriel Amuah


The study examined the level of autonomy among basic school teachers in the Central Region of Ghana and the effect of teacher demographic characteristics on the level of teacher autonomy. The explanatory sequential design was adopted. Using the systematic sampling technique, a total of 315 basic school teachers were sampled for the quantitative phase of the study whilst 12 teachers were sampled for the qualitative phase through the purposive sampling technique. Eighteen (18) items Likert-scale was adapted from Pearson and Hall and used for the quantitative phase. A semi-structured interview guide was designed to collect data to further elaborate the study’s key findings. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the quantitative data whilst the interview was analysed thematically. The study revealed that teachers in the Central Region of Ghana hold positive perceptions about their autonomy with the level of autonomy being moderate. It further established that teacher autonomy is affected by gender positively whilst age and teaching experience affects their level of autonomy negatively. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the Ghana Education Service (GES) and school heads should organize in-service programmes aimed at informing basic school teachers on the extent of autonomy that they have in the process of implementing the curriculum.

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Pages: 35-44
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Despite the fact that crisis management is essential for school’s smooth operation and crises occur at schools and education institutions around the world, Greek school is characterized by limited readiness to manage its potential crises. This study investigates the attitudes and perceptions of teachers concerning crisis events in school units bearing in mind that such events occur in a unique context in every school and every situation. The study’s findings are based on data collected through an empirical, qualitative research. The results show that that school premises in Greece are not considered safe sites not only due to students’ aggressive behaviour but also to the feebly support provided by the Ministry of Education and the Local Authorities as well as teachers’ feelings of inadequacy and inappropriateness. Since the problem of school safety is proved to be multifaceted, it requires collectivity and a dedication to strong collaboration in order to be solved.

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Pages: 73-84
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The Attitudes of Turkish Teachers toward Female Managers

gender attitude inequality female manager

Utku Sayin , Nazmiye Balci


Gender equality in the workplace and social life has been argued especially since industrialization. Despite the belief that the education profession is suitable for women, the education sector has been one of the most discussed sectors due to the low number of female managers. Doubtless, gender stereotypes and attitudes toward women contribute to these inequalities. This research aimed to examine the attitudes, which may be an important part of this inequality, of teachers towards female principals. The universe of the research is consisted of the teachers and administrators at public schools in Adana's districts (Seyhan, Cukurova, Yuregir, and Saricam) province where women held an administrative position in the 2015-2016 academic year. The sample consisted of 818 teachers and administrators. A descriptive survey method was used to conduct the research. Attitudes toward Women Managers Scale were used to collect data. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was applied to analyze the data. For descriptive statistics, frequency, percent, average and standard deviation were used. For the statistical analysis T-Test and ANOVA tests were applied. As a result of the data analysis; significant differences between the groups according to gender, age groups, status and, level of the schools were found.

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Pages: 111-125
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In this article, we extend and complement previous studies on self-descriptions of superintendents’ administrative work by examining the influential role of a relatively new actor in charter schools: the charter school district superintendent. In particular, we examine the influence of a charter district superintendent’s leadership on organizational factors such as mission, principal decision-making and school board involvement through interviews with the principals and board members in the district to identify how a charter school district superintendent exhibits leadership within an emerging context in the public school landscape. We use a qualitative case study approach to examine one charter school district superintendent and the perceptions of charter principals and charter school board members concerning his role and responsibility as a leader in the charter district. Three major themes emerged from the data: the superintendent’s role in the mission of an autonomous district; superintendent as an instructional leader; and the superintendent as a policy entrepreneur. The superintendent’s mission of the charter school district to operate as an autonomous entity, paved the way for the influence of the charter superintendent to employ and articulate instructional leadership strategies in his district, and spurred the superintendent toward action as a policy entrepreneur, establishing an LEA for his charter school district. The findings demonstrate that the superintendent has a significant, dynamic effect on the organizational mission and goals of the charter school district as well as influence on building principals and board members as the leader of the district.

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Pages: 15-24
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Decline and downsizing often create organizational conditions that are tension-filled, problematic, disruptive, and prone to unethical behaviour. It is common for educational organizations to face discontinuity of services and reduction of personnel; therefore, it is important to understand the relationship between declining organizations and the ethical behaviour of educational leaders under these circumstances. In this article, we provide a general description of organizational decline, typical responses to such decline, and highlight the phenomenon of personnel downsizing, with particular attention to the Canadian education context. We offer descriptions of various in situ strategies from several Canadian educational superintendents to illustrate implications for how we might better understand personnel reductions in relation to ethics. We conclude with suggestions concerning ways we might upgrade downsizing with wise judgment and ethical decision-making.

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Pages: 51-65
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According to many studies teachers’ reception has been associated with the smooth operation of the school, the professional development of the teaching staff and the provision of optimal teaching work. Despite its significance and its attention from scholars, though, its implementation at schools has been facing challenges and hardships. The present study focuses on the role played by principals and teachers’ associations upon the reception and acclimatization of all newly appointed teachers in their schools. The findings indicate that the favorable disposition and actions of both principals and the teachers’ association in terms of receiving/acclimatizing any newly appointed teachers should be further enhanced.

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Pages: 67-80
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The paper aims to investigate the extent to which school leaders adopt transformational leadership behaviors at times of crisis. The emphasis on restructuring in the educational policy environment in recent decades has led to an increased interest in transformational leadership in education, resulting in a large number of studies. In order to investigate the adoption of transformational leadership behaviors/practices at times of crisis, qualitative research was conducted with 30 primary school teachers in Greece. The schools were selected based on the extent to which they had been affected by the financial crisis. Greece has faced major challenges in the last ten years, including the financial crisis and the influx of immigrants. These changes have had a profound effect on the Greek educational system. In this context, the paper examines the extent to which school leaders in Greece adopt transformational leadership practices in order to deal with the impact of the crisis on their school unit. The findings of the research are used to draw conclusions and implications regarding educational policy as well as future research on the topic.

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Pages: 1 -11
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This research describes the perceptions of school principals in the context of their role in leading the professional development of the teaching staff. Their perceptions were examined in reference to three educational ideologies: socialization, acculturation and individuation. Data analysis of semi structured interviews conducted with 20 school principals, revealed a contradiction between the educational ideology that emerged in the context of the overall educational practice and the ideology referred to in the context of their role in teachers professional development. In the context of the educational practice, the majority of principals described an individuation ideology. In the context the principals' role regarding the professional development of the teaching staff, the majority of school principals presented the socialization ideology as their guiding ethos. In addition, the minority of principals demonstrated a combination of these two ideologies. None of the principals presented the acculturation ideology.

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Pages: 13-23
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It is regarded as considerable values those principles’ skills of managing diversities and teachers’ cultural intelligences which mean they understand and appreciate other cultures. These core values are remarkably vital to be culturally literate in the global world. The organizations and their administrators respecting the diversities of the employees can allocate more time competing their counterparts in the world instead of losing energy with unnecessary conflicts. The aim of the study is to examine the correlation between teachers’ cultural intelligence and Principal’s managing the diversities and their transformational leaderships according to the teachers’ point of views. The research has adopted a correlational model. The data of the research was gathered from 428 primary school teachers in Turkey/Malatya during 2020-2021 academic year. The Data was gathered through the “Cultural Intelligence”, “Diversity Management” and “Transformational Leadership” scales. The data was analyzed by arithmetic mean, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of the research suggest that the primary school teacher’s cultural intelligence, the principal’s management of diversity and their transformational leadership levels were “mostly high”. It was revealed that there was a moderate level positive significant correlation between teachers’ cultural intelligence levels and Principal’s skills of managing the diversities and their transformational leaderships. Moreover, teacher’s cultural intelligence levels and Principal’s skills of managing the diversities predict the transformational leaderships of Principles. Consequently, to increase the transformational leadership of Principals, it is recommended to enhance teachers’ socio-cultural awareness and to work on improving the skills of diversity management of principals.

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Pages: 35-49
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This paper extends and complements previous research on unethical leader behavior by examining the social and cultural perspectives that inform the understanding of objectional conduct among secondary school leaders in Kenya. The study used a social constructivist theoretical framework, and qualitative case study, and semi-structured interviews with school boards of governors, principals, and heads of department and school bursars. The findings revealed that cultural beliefs underpinned by the ubuntu ethic informed the school leaders' perceptions of unethical leadership behavior in the Kenyan secondary school contexts. Four sub-themes highlight acts that contradict the ubuntu values of altruism, humanness, care, and solidarity. They include disregard for community interests, neglect of care for one's kin, disregard for harmony, and elders' respect. The study concluded that western universal perspectives and definitions could not solely be relied upon to describe unethical leadership behavior in schools in non-Euro western contexts. The study contributes to the literature on unethical and ethical leadership by proposing a potential benefit in recognizing and incorporating non-western perspectives in exploring and defining the unethical leadership construct.

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Pages: 51-65
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A Comparison of Male and Female Saudi School Principals’ Perspectives of Instructional Leadership

instructional leadership saudi education principals

Linda R. Vogel , Ahlam Alhudithi , Abdulmohsen Alsliman


A qualitative study examining female and male Saudi principals’ perceptions of instructional leadership was conducted using an electronic survey. While teacher supervision and supporting new instructional strategies were themes that emerged from the data from both genders, the female participants provided more detail on what they personally did in both areas and identified more altruistic personal virtues that they felt instructional leaders should model. Female Saudi principals also identified active problem-solving as part of their instructional leadership as compared to male Saudi principals who reported directing school improvement efforts through their leadership team. Theories of instructional leadership were developed for each gender from participant responses that indicate that female Saudi principals define and enact instructional leadership in more relational and interactive terms than their male counterparts.

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Pages: 67-81
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The purpose of the present study was to determine the communication barriers, the reasons and results of these barriers, and solution proposals for communication barriers faced in the context of school-parents cooperation. The case study was used in this study. The data obtained from the interview forms were analysed according to the method of descriptive analysis. The findings were presented in the form of themes and subthemes. The study group consisted of 42 teachers working in the central districts of Erzurum in the 2019-2020 academic years. According to the research results, the participants think that communication barriers in the context of school-parents cooperation are related to parents and to teachers. Most of the participants express the reasons for communication barriers resulting from parents while some of the participants express the reasons for communication barriers resulting from teachers. Participants think that the results of communication barriers faced in the context of school-parents cooperation are related to students, school administrators, parents and teacher. Most of the participants think that results of communication barriers in the context of school-parents cooperation are related to students while the other participants think that results of communication barriers in the context of school-parents cooperation are related to school administrators, parents and teachers. Most of the participants propose solutions for communication barriers related to teachers while other participants propose solutions for communication barriers related to school administrators and parents.

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Pages: 83-96
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Quality of Administrative Services in Higher Education

administrative services higher education importance-performance service quality servqual tqm

Spiridon Rizos , Eleni Sfakianaki , Andreas Kakouris


This study investigates the quality of higher education institutes’ (HEIs’) administrative services by assessing student satisfaction in the context of Total Quality Management (TQM). Differences between students’ perceptions and expectations of administrative service quality are examined and discussed. A questionnaire survey was developed employing the SERVQUAL service quality model, the results of which were further enhanced by the application of importance-performance analysis (IPA). All five dimensions of the model were explored (reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness) with data from the 104 students from five Greek HEIs who participated in the survey. The results of the IPA complemented the survey research by enabling recommendations for importance and performance. The study’s findings indicate that students’ expectations are not met by the administrative services provided at the time of examination. A gap is observed between perceptions and expectations on all dimensions, indicating the necessity to make improvements to enhance service quality.

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Pages: 115-128
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The study aims to determine the relationship between school administrators’ paternalistic leadership behaviours and teachers’ work alienation levels. The research sample group involves 205 teachers working in the Anatolian high schools in the central district of Siirt. Research data was collected through the “Paternalistic Leadership Behaviours Scale of School Principals” and the “Work Alienation Scale”. According to the descriptive and Pearson correlation analysis results of the research, it was determined that the paternalistic leadership behaviours of the school administrators are at a “strongly agree” level while the work alienation of the teachers is at a “somewhat agree” level, and a negative moderate significant relationship was found between the paternalistic leadership behaviours and the teachers’ work alienation levels. The path analysis revealed that benevolent leadership predicts the powerlessness and meaninglessness dimension negatively significantly; authoritarian leadership predicts the powerlessness dimension positively significantly, and moral leadership predicts meaninglessness and self-estrangement negatively significantly. Moreover, it was also established that, in general, paternalistic leadership behaviours predict the teachers’ work alienation negatively significantly as a whole. As a result of the research, school administrators were suggested to display helpful and ethical behaviours by watching over the teachers in various matters.

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Pages: 15-30
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In this study, the relationship between the happy school variable, which determines the happiness levels of secondary school students in their schools, and academic self-efficacy, general self-efficacy and life satisfaction were examined. The relationship between variables was examined in this correlation study. The population of the study consisted of high school students studying in Anatolian high school in the city center of Kahramanmaras (Turkey). 315 students selected from these schools constituted the study sample. Data were collected with life satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, general self-efficacy, and happy school scales. Regression and path analyses were conducted for the data analysis. Study results suggest that each variable has a positive significant relationship with the other variables and that general self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and life satisfaction predicted happy schools. In the study, a linear model was created considering that a happy school is affected by general self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and life satisfaction. High fit indices were obtained with the model. These indices suggest that the model is an acceptable model which is fit.

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Pages: 31-43
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In recent years, our schools have faced the necessity of creating a new school administration system, which would provide a good basis for electronic management. In this article, we will show how an electronic school management system works, and we will track the teachers’ opinions from our school regarding the use of the electronic school management system. Our research method is survey research, with quantitative and qualitative data. The selected sample is a total of 25 teachers from the primary and lower secondary school "Heronjtë e Lumës" in the village of Vërmicë, municipality of Prizren, Republic of Kosovo. Data were collected using a questionnaire. In conclusion, the findings from this study showed that the participants have a positive opinion of the school's electronic management system and it met the teachers' expectations, and they think that this system should be continued in the future. The entire school and our pedagogical staff have benefited from the use of this system.

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Pages: 59-67
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The Mediating Effect of Work-Life Balance in the Relationship Between Job Stress and Career Satisfaction

career satisfaction job stress teacher work-life balance

Fatma Çobanoğlu , Özen Yıldırım , Sevda Seven Şarkaya , Gülsüm Sertel


This study is aimed to find out the mediating role of work-life balance in the relationship between job stress and career satisfaction. The responses of high school teachers to career satisfaction, work life balance and work stress scales were utilized in the study. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26, Lisrel 8.80 and Jamovi 2.3. According to the results, one of the important determinants of teachers' career satisfaction is the work-life balance; there is a negative relationship between job stress and career satisfaction, and as the job stress increases, the work-life balance decreases. Finally, in the model, it was found that teachers’ job stress has a direct effect on career satisfaction, but also has an indirect effect through work-life balance. Based on all these results, educational organizations need to reorganize the work environment and conditions that will provide career satisfaction and work-life balance to their employees. However, while making these arrangements, it is of great importance to eliminate or even remove the factors that create job stress.

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Pages: 83-99
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